Get your submission to your dream agent.

Querying doesn’t have to be so daunting. I’ll help you polish your query letter, synopsis and opening pages to hook literary agents’ interests.

Work with me

Work with me ☆

A Query Letter Edit OR Submission Package is an awesome next step for you if:

you realize writing these materials is tough.

you’re overwhelmed by the submission process.

you’re hearing nothing but crickets from agents.

you’re hearing back from agents, but their interests wain before they request your full manuscript.

A writer with big gold rings typing onto a laptop computer keyboard

Writing your book is the easy part.
Writing about your book is tough.

What you get

Query Letter Edit

Avoid the dreaded “slush pile” and get your story noticed with a powerful, concise query letter. With two rounds of revisions, you’ll get a chance to fine tune everything from the agent personalization to your wicked story idea to your author bio.

Opening Pages Analysis

Entice agents into requesting your full manuscript with stronger opening pages. With a 5-page analysis on structure, pace, dialogue and description; you’ll receive actionable next steps on how to tighten up the most crucial pages in your book.

A snapshot of a latte coffee, thick glasses and an open novel on a white sheet

Synopsis Edit

Summarize your book into a tight, no-fluff synopsis (while keeping your stylistic flair). With two rounds of revisions and a clarifying questionnaire, we can mold your synopsis into the perfect high-level view of your amazing story.

“Working with Hannah was easy, and I was able to go through as many rounds as needed to perfect by query and synopsis.”

– Loris, Historical Gothic Thriller.

A thick pink rose with long green stem with transparent background

How revision rounds work


Take the bold first step and share your current query letter and/or synopsis with me.

Round 1.

In the first round, I’ll review each submission document with in-line comments for high-level edits, including tone, structure, plot holes, character arcs, and hook.


With my feedback, you’ll have a few days to revise your materials and submit them back to me.

Round 2.

In the second and final round, I’ll review each submission document with in-line comments for any lingering high-level edits as well as line-level edits like word choice.

Submission support is NOT a good fit for you if:

you’ve already completed the querying process for your book.

you’re unwilling to consider other literary agents after your “dream agent” rejected your book.

you’re unwilling to face rejection from even one literary agent.

you’re hearing back from almost every single literary agent you’re querying and getting several partial and full manuscript requests. That’s great news! (If those agents still reject your book, check out my Manuscript Evaluation to figure out what might not be working.)

A writer eating a caramel dessert while reviewing their laptop notes on their bed
A broken chocolate square with a transparent background

Choose your package

Query Letter Edit


2 rounds of in-line query letter feedback

2 rounds of in-line synopsis feedback

in-line feedback on first five pages

actionable pitch plan strategy


Submission Package


2 rounds of in-line query letter feedback

2 rounds of in-line synopsis feedback

in-line feedback on first five pages

actionable pitch plan strategy

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Check out the replies to my most frequent queries. For any outstanding questions, contact me with your full inquiry.

  • The solo query letter package is best for writers who are starting the query process or who cannot afford the full submission package.

    The comprehensive submission package is best for writers who are starting the query process, or who are getting rejections after agents request your opening pages.

  • Query letter revisions typically take 1-3 weeks.

    Submission package revisions and the opening pages review typically take 2-4 weeks.

  • No, landing an agent is never a guarantee. What I can do is help you put your best foot forward when querying agents.

  • You don’t want to risk putting anything other than your best foot forward, especially when if you’re querying your dream agents first. You can only query each agent with your book once.

    Invest in yourself and your story by getting an expert pair of eyes on your submission materials.

Ready to publish your book?

Let’s polish your submission and start querying.