Transform your draft into a story that works.

Tackle the editing phase with expert developmental edit, a high-level story analysis, and actionable step-by-step feedback to guide you through your revision process.

Work with me

Work with me ☆

A Manuscript Evaluation is a PERFECT service for you if:

you’ve got a 1st draft, 100th draft or anything in between.

you want to find out if your story works on all levels.

you want to polish your story for either self-publication or querying.

you need clear, actionable feedback and a clear next steps revision plan that you’re just not getting from beta readers or friends.

you already started querying and you’re getting full manuscript requestsbut ultimately no bites.

Here’s what you’ll get

A writer's hands holding the notebook they are writing in

Big Analysis

A high-level, comprehensive view of your story to determine what’s working and what could use tweaking.

Editorial Letter

A clear, actionable set of directives you can take into the revision process that will tighten up your story step-by-step.

Writing hands jotting down notes next to their open laptop

In-Line Feedback

Constructive and kind in-line comments on your first three chapters to see what’s working at the scene-level.

A smiling writer looking down at their laptop screen

Follow-up Call

A 1:1 with yours truly to discuss any feedback questions or new ideas. You’ll leave with a clear idea of next steps.

Extra Resources

Additional workbooks, writing materials, and other resources personalized for you and your story.

A Manuscript Evaluation is NOT a good idea for you if:

you’re seeking spelling, grammar, line-editing, copy editing or proofreading.

you write non-fiction, picture books, memoir, essays or poetry.

you’re unwilling to do a major overhaul.

you’re not open to feedback or constructive criticism.

you’re not interested in genre conventions.

Here’s how it works

Step 1.

Submit your completed draft. Make sure your draft is the version you want me to review, as you can only submit one draft per Manuscript Evaluation.

Step 2.

I will write analyze your story in 4-6 weeks. At the end, you’ll receive a big picture analysis, an editorial letter and in-line feedback on your first three chapters.

Step 3.

Take a week to review all of the materials, considering what feedback best resonates with you and record any questions that pop up.

Step 4.

Hop on a 1:1 call with me to discuss any questions you have about my feedback. You’ll leave the call with actionable next steps to carry into your revisions!

“I do feel more compelled to publish my mss after going through this process. It was great to receive supportive feedback and to see that there is much going for the mss although it does need major revisions.”

– Jaime, Queer YA Coming-of-Age.

Manuscript Evaluation Pricing

Prices are based on manuscript word count.
For a manuscript exceeding 120,000 words, contact Hannah for a direct quote.

40,000 words or less


60,000 words or less


80,000 words or less


100,000 words or less


120,000 words or less


120,000 words or more


Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Check out the replies to my most frequent queries.
For any outstanding questions, contact me with your full inquiry.

  • Depending on your spot on the waitlist, we can get started working together anywhere from this week to next month.

    Manuscript Evaluations typically take 4-6 weeks.

  • No, landing an agent is never a guarantee. What I can do is help you put your best foot forward when querying agents.

  • I work with Adult, YA and MG stories across Romance, Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Speculative, Thriller & Suspense, Women’s Fiction, Worldview, and LGBTQIA+ and Queer stories.

    I do not work with picture books, non-fiction, memoir, essays, short stories, or poetry.

  • Absolutely! Manuscript Evaluations are the best next steps for writers - whether they want to traditionally publish or self-publish. Either way, you want to give your reader a story you’re confident in.

  • I can help you with that! If want support with revisions after your manuscript evaluation, inquire about my Manuscript Overhaul service. Writers receive 2 months of 1:1 weekly coaching on a prioritized, actionable list of revision steps and a full developmental edit on Draft #2.

  • “The secret to editing your work is simple: You need to become its reader instead of its writer."

    Zadie Smith

  • “Good stories are not written. They are rewritten.”

    Phyllis Whitney

Ready to finish your book?

Let’s craft your draft into a manuscript you’re confident in.